
interrupt request中文是什么意思

  • 中断请求



  • 例句与用法
  • Code that the processor jumps to on receipt of an interrupt request
  • Irq interrupt request line
  • Attentions , such as client - interrupt requests or broken client connections
  • In computing , an interrupt request by a peripheral unit , as opposed to a software interrupt written into a computer program
  • You ' ll learn the details about interrupt request level ( irql ) and about various synchronization primitives that the operating system offers for your use
    你将学习到有关终端请求级别的细节( irql )以及操作系统为你的使用提供的各种基本同步。
  • To do this , if you have an existing operating system , use it to obtain the current settings , such as memory address and interrupt request ( irq ) , used with your devices
    要这样做,如果已存在一个操作系统,使用这个清单可以获得设备当前使用的设置,例如内存地址和终端请求( irq ) 。
  • Finally , this paper discussed the software system design based on above hardware platform , including the dsp initialization program , the interrupt request service and speech coding
    最后讨论了基于上述硬件系统的软件设计,主要分为三个部分: dsp的初始化程序、中断服务程序和语音编解码程序。
  • When at all possible verify that in “ device manager ” “ view / resources by type / interrupt request ( irq ) ” that your audio card is sitting on its own irq number and that this number is not assigned to any other devices
    在“设备管理器”中选择“按种类排列/中断请求” ,确定你的声卡有自己的中断请求号码,且此号码与其他设备无关。
  • It helps to enhance the reliability of the system and reduce the maintenance cost . the timer interface module generates interrupt request every 25us , which is fine enough comparing with 1 oous and used as one - step in adjusting commutation periods
    本系统在软件设计时,定时器中断时间由100us缩短到25us ,一个定时器中断时间为相位调节中的一步,这样就提高了相位调节精度。
  • When the light wavelength permeating the f - p filter equals to the bragg reflection wavelength , there is an interrupt request signal , dsp deals with the useful information after dsp answers interruption , and then obtain the corresponding changes of the measured parameters
    当透过f - p滤波器的光波长与bragg反射波长重合时,就产生中断请求信号, dsp响应中断后就对有用的信息进行处理,进而得到相应被测参量的变化。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
In an IBM PC compatible personal computer, an interrupt request (or IRQ) is a hardware signal sent to the processor that temporarily stops a running program and allows a special program, an interrupt handler, to run instead. Interrupts are used to handle such events as data receipt from a modem or network, or a key press or mouse movement.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
interrupt request的中文翻译,interrupt request是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译interrupt request,interrupt request的中文意思,interrupt request的中文interrupt request in Chineseinterrupt request的中文interrupt request怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
